5S is a commonly used tool in Kaizen or Lean Manufacturing. The main objective is to improve the conditions and organisation of work spaces. It seeks to maximise efficiency and profitability, by optimising the processes involved in the different business activities.
5S refers to five Japanese terms beginning with an S: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke.
Seiri – Sort: Sort materials, keeping only the items which are essential to complete tasks.
Seiton – Set in order: Sort and classify content and resources in a logical and appropriate manner. Ensure that each item or object has a designated place.
Seiso – Shine: Keep work areas clean and orderly, in order to ensure goal-oriented work.
Seiketsu – Standardise: Create standards or guidelines to maintain and control compliance with the previous 3S.
Shitsuke – Sustain/Discipline: Carry out audits to guarantee the continuous maintenance of the 5S and to convert all of the previously created standards into habits.
It is about making agile and rapid changes, with a long-term vision and with the participation of everyone in the organisation. The advantages of the 5S methodology are reflected both in the performance of the employees, and in the workspaces. Improved results, professional growth, and an evolution in the relationships between employees are generated.
At ONLEAN we help companies to be more competitive and productive. With the ONLEAN 5S app, we facilitate the implementation and consolidation of the system. It is intuitive, easy to use, and participatory. It allows you to create actions and standards with their identified elements, carry out audits and review the indicators that show the process of implementation and consolidation of the 5S, all digitally and with the participation of the entire company. It also allows you to track progress and set goals, as well as to assign specific tasks and create more productive and efficient workspaces.
The 5S methodology will not only have a positive influence on the organisation of workspaces, but will also increase safety, productivity, and efficiency.